Discipline-based Educational Strategies

  • The strategies listed here are those that could be easily translatable to other natural science disciplines (i.e., are not discipline-specific) and if any of seem attractive to someone, they could be adapted and used in designing a course transformation to improve student learning.

  • One could even select different aspects that resonate with them from various strategies and integrate them into a novel instructional approach.

    • For example, one could use ideas from Clickers and Peer Instruction in lecture and use Cooperative Group Problem solving in recitation sections.

  • We do not want to give the impression that these strategies are the ones we prefer or that they are the ones that ‘work best’. One of the main criterion for selecting them was adaptability.

  • Before delving into each of these strategies, it is important to read about some common practices which could provide guidance on how evidence-based instructional strategies can be adapted and used effectively.